Elements of Traditional Double Phoenix Border

Traditional Phoenix Border Design.
Phoenix Border
Three elements in the design.
1. Phoenix 『鳳凰』
2. Cloud 『雲龍』
3. Paulownia 『桐』

1.Phoenix『鳳凰』 is a one of the mythological animals used in China by the emperor
in the design of official documents.
According to "Kanshi Gaiden" which is , the Phoenix has Virtue above the head, Morality on the back, Benevolence in the heart, Faith in the Wing and Courtesy between the legs.
 Phoenix doesn't pick the insects, never break living plants, never live in the flock. It never perch on any trees and never eat anything but the fruite from Bamboo. It never drink any water but the sacred water.
When the Phoenix fly, the all birds follow. Its wings flush the golden lights and tail shine iredecently as like peacock tails is absolutly gorgeous.
The phoenix appeares only the would is on peace. It is a symbol of charity and love. Male『鳳』 on the left side and female『凰』on the right facing each other on the top center of theborder of certificate.

2.Cloud 『雲龍』Top center of the border, in between the male and female Phoenix.
It is lucky cloud bring the rain. Cloud『雲』 is set with the Dragon『龍』 which is one of the four mythological animals as usually.

3.Paulownia 『桐』Bottom half of the border is arranged by Paulownia leaves.
Paulownia 『桐』and Chrysanthemum are used as the crest in the emperial court in Japan. Paulownia『桐』 design is used with the Chrysanthemum for the written oath to the God.

Origin of the certificate
Many customs and cultures were imported from China to Japan. The certificate was said one of it. Official documents through Emperor had the border design of Poenix 『鳳凰』in China. In Japan, Paulownia design was used with chrysanthemum on the paper for the oath to the God at the events in the imperial court.
the origin of the border design is the harmonized piece of Phoenix from China and Paulownia from Japan. It was only used in the imperial court had started to be used by government and municipal offices in modern time after Meiji period( ).
Gradually this customs were adapted by common people up to the present..